La Cisrà 2024 - Dogliani

La Cisrà 2024 - Dogliani

3. November 2024
Gastronomische Veranstaltungen, Weinveranstaltungen, Flohmarkt, Feste

La Cisrà 2024 - Dogliani

From 2 to 10 November, the traditional appointment with the Fair of the Saints and the Cisrà, a tasty soup made with tripe, chickpeas and many autumn vegetables, prepared according to an ancient (and secret) recipe handed down through generations, is renewed in Dogliani .

ON SATURDAY 2nd NOVEMBER , a large trade fair, with more than three hundred exhibitors, will animate all the streets of the village, from 8.30 am until sold out, under the ancient Ala Mercatale: distribution of the Cisrà.

During the day, guided tours are organised to the Church of the Confraternita dei Battuti at 10.30 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. and to discover the architectural treasures of Dogliani's historic centre.

Moreover, until 10 November, it will be possible to taste this tasty dish at Dogliani's restaurants

SUNDAY 3rd NOVEMBER there will be outdoor activities by bike or on foot:

  • Pedal to ‘taste’ - Cycling tour with guide along the ‘Dogliani Paths’ with tasting of the Cisrà menu upon arrival. Meeting point: Piazza San Paolo at 9.30 a.m. with departure at 10.00 a.m. RESERVATION REQUIRED: Conitours 0171. 696206
  • Trekking of the Cisrà - Guided walk along the ‘Sentieri del Dogliani’ with tasting of the Cisrà menu on arrival. Meeting point: Piazza San Paolo at 9.30 a.m. with departure at 10.00a.m. RESERVATION REQUIRED: Conitours 0171  696206
  • Historical-artistic walk to discover the architectural treasures of the historic centre of Dogliani - Meeting point: 09.30 a.m. at the Tourist Office | Piazza Umberto I°; Free lunch, possibility to taste the Cisrà at the restaurants participating in ‘La settimana Gastronomica della Cisrà’. RESERVATION REQUIRED : 0173.70210 | WA 334 5629569

SATURDAY 9 NOVEMBER: At 6 pm: Enovago aperitif

    • on reservation in participating wineries
    • From 8 p.m. Enovago route
    • night visits in some of the most prestigious wineries in the area tasting Cisrà, typical dishes, sipping ‘Dogliani DOCG’ from all the producers of the Bottega del Vino Dogliani Docg, to the rhythm of engaging musical performances
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