Festa alla corte dei Marchesi di Busca - Mango

Festa alla corte dei Marchesi di Busca - Mango

September 29, 2024
Gastronomy events, Families and Children, Folklore

Festa alla corte dei Marchesi di Busca - Mango

On Sunday, September 29th, the Festa alla corte dei Marchesi di Busca event will be held in Mango.

The festival under the castle will begin at 10.00 a.m. with a market, dancing, children's games, and scenes of medieval life. At 11 a.m. the marquis's procession will present himself to the people with his sumptuous court, followed by the nomination of boys and girls as knights and ladies.

 From 6 to 12 years of age, all those who want to experience this exciting moment can do so by making a reservation by September 28th. Children will be made to wear a tunic and enter the atmosphere of the era for a truly exciting experience.
There will be food and drink stalls in the square and village streets, which can be consumed in the castle hall, where tables set up in the shade of the cool walls will await travellers.

Have fun!

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