Alba medievale si racconta: Storie nascoste della Cattedrale

Alba medievale si racconta: Storie nascoste della Cattedrale

September 28, 2024
Conferences and congresses, Culture, Guided tours

Alba medievale si racconta: Storie nascoste della Cattedrale

On Saturday 28th September, on the occasion of the European Heritage Days, the MUDI - Museo Diocesano di Alba and the Federico Eusebio Civic Museum, in collaboration with the Soprintendenza Archeologica, Belle Arti e Paesaggio for the provinces of Alessandria, Asti and Cuneo, and the Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e Biologia dei Sistemi of the University of Turin, are organising a meeting to discuss the most recent studies between archaeology and bio-anthropology on the medieval burials in the Cathedral of San Lorenzo, brought to light in 2007 during archaeological excavations.

The conference will begin at 4 p.m. in the crypt of St. Peter's of the Diocesan Museum; the meeting is open to all and will end with a guided tour of the underground archaeological path by museum staff and scholars. Participation is free of charge.

The event continues at the ‘Federico Eusebio’ Civic Museum at 9 p.m. with a guided tour of the museum rooms and the underground storerooms, where the theme of burials already covered in the conference will be explored. This will be followed by an exceptional presentation to the public of some anthropological finds from the cathedral burials.

Participation is at the cost of the Museum ticket.

Places are limited, booking is recommended for both events.

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