Mostra: "Vite a Colori" - Barolo (CN)

Mostra: "Vite a Colori" - Barolo (CN)

September 20, 2024
Art Exhibition, Sport and Nature

Mostra: "Vite a Colori" - Barolo (CN)


On Friday 6th September at 6.30 p.m. there will be the inauguration of the Photography Exhibition ‘LIVES IN COLOURS’, a photographic focus on sport practised by people with disabilities to celebrate the 20 years of activities in favour of people with physical, intellectual and sensory disabilities of the SPORTABILI ALBA Association.

The location that will frame the exhibition will be that of the L'ASTEMIA pentita winery, the non-conformist winery in Barolo -CN- via Crosia 40, where the art of wine and design come together for a multi-sensory experience, a place that will certainly give added value to an exhibition that intends to convey a message to the visitor, not just reproduce what has happened from 2004 to today.

The exhibition will be open every day until 7th October from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. with free admission.


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