"La luna e il ciabot" - Cena in vigna di fine estate - Govone

"La luna e il ciabot" - Cena in vigna di fine estate - Govone

September 14, 2024
Wine events

"La luna e il ciabot" - Cena in vigna di fine estate - Govone

Friday 6th, Saturday 7th and Saturday 14th September in Govone will be held the dinner in the vineyard La luna e il Ciabot, an end-of-summer dinner among the rows of Barbera and Nebbiolo vines, a special moment surrounded by nature.

Starting at 6.30 p.m., a short walk between the rows. from 7.00 p.m., a welcome aperitif for guests, followed from 7.45 p.m. by an open-air dinner, with seating along the rows, with a single table between the rows.
The cost is € 90.00. Reservation is compulsory.

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