
Paesaggire - Passeggiate, Mostre e Incontri

September 19, 2024
Conferences and congresses, Culture, Sport and Nature


The Zizzola Turismo & Cultura cultural association is organising a series of events in Bra for the month of September according to the following calendar:

- 14/09 at 2:30 pm 'Gli orti braidesi' - a walk through the streets of the centre and the 'valley of the vegetable gardens' to discover the special features of the area. Departure at Palazzo Traversa and arrival persso Agenzia di Pollenzo;

- 14/9 to 17/9 - exhibition at the Agenzia Carlo Albertina in Pollenzo reproductions of Gioachino NOgaris' studies of the tombs discovered in the Pollenzo excavations and housed in the Museo Civico di Palazzo Traversa;

- 18/9 - conference with 'Giardino Forbito', a cultural association that brings together biodiversity, green awareness and urban regeneration.


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