welcome to langhe monferrato roero
Itineraries for all tastes to discover Langhe Monferrato Roero.
PLEASE NOTE: Responsibility for the maintenance and practicability of the various trails lies with the municipalities where the routes are located. The Tourist Board, therefore, cannot be held responsible for any inefficiencies, but is willingly available to collect your reports so that they can be forwarded to the authorities
- ${data[1][0].difficultyLabel ? data[1][0].difficultyLabel : 'Other'}$
Length: ${item.lengthLabel}$ Km , Duration: ${item.durationLabel}$ h , Maximum height difference: ${item.heightDifferenceLabel}$ m ,
Ente Turismo Langhe Monferrato Roero Piazza Risorgimento 2 - 12051 ALBA (CN) |