Caccia ai tesori arancioni - Cherasco (CN)

Caccia ai tesori arancioni - Cherasco (CN)

6 octobre 2024
Familles et enfants

Caccia ai tesori arancioni - Cherasco (CN)

Cherasco joins again this year the Orange Treasures Hunt proposed by the Touring Club: it is set for Sunday, October 6, 2024.

It is a fun way, aimed at families, to get to know stories, people, monuments and curiosities kept in the lesser-known places of our country, those small excellences of the hinterland certified with the Orange Flag, in a project, which connects the green resources of the territory with the stories of storytelling and popular culture.

It will be a 6-stage route in the most characteristic places of Cherasco's historic center and will allow participants to discover its artistic and scenic beauties.

The appointment will be on Sunday, October 6, at 3 p.m. at the Civic Library (at 43 Monte di Pietà Street).

The event is open to all, subject to online team registration (maximum 6 participants) by logging on to and choosing “Cherasco” from the list of villages.


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