Sagra della Cugnà 2024 - Serralunga d'Alba (CN)

Sagra della Cugnà 2024 - Serralunga d'Alba (CN)

29 septembre 2024
Événements gastronomiques, Marchés, Festivals, Sport et Nature

Sagra della Cugnà 2024 - Serralunga d'Alba (CN)
Serralunga D'Alba

The Sagra della Cugnà returns to Serralunga d'Alba over the weekend of 28th and 29th September with a new edition.

On Saturday 28th, the film ‘ONDE DI TERRA’ (Waves of the Earth) by Andrea Icardi will be screened at the Castle of Serralunga at 6 pm and 9 pm. Free admission with prior booking.

On Sunday 29 September, from 10.00 a.m. in the old town centre, the MERCATINO DEI PRODOTTI TIPICI (Market of typical products) will be held, with exclusive local specialities, from cheeses to cured meats to desserts, and the ever-present Cugnà.
At 10.45 a.m. from Piazza Umberto I° will start the walk among the prized Serralunga vineyards to discover the best geographical mentions of Barolo. The defined route with a guide will end in the village square. For participation and information call 327.2518230.

From 11.00 a.m. onwards until late afternoon, all the tourists who attend will be able to taste the dishes prepared and proposed by the collaboration of no less than 6 pro loco of the area, accompanied by the fabulous wines of the Serralunga producers.
Entrance to the town centre will be free and the day will also be enlivened by entertainment, an exhibition of emerging Alba painters, and music by the group La Cricca dij Mes-cià. 

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