Barbera d'Asti Wine Festival - Asti (AT)

Barbera d'Asti Wine Festival - Asti (AT)

7 septembre 2024
Conférences et congrès, Événements gastronomiques, Événements du vin, Musique

Barbera d'Asti Wine Festival - Asti (AT)

For the first edition, the ‘Barbera d'Asti Wine Festival’ 2024 arrives at the Palazzo del Michelerio in Asti. From 6 to 15 September, the Consorzio Barbera e Vini del Monferrato in collaboration with the Corriere della Sera will present a rich programme of meetings, master classes and events with guests from the world of wine and entertainment. Access to the event will be possible by purchasing a ticket on site or on the Consortium's website, it will be valid for one day and will allow access to all the day's events. Some outdoor installations by the Cracking Art collective will be present on the occasion, and a preview of the ice cream designed by Guido Martinetti will be presented, combining the excellence of our territory and focusing on the inimitable Barbera d'Asti.

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