Secret Stories on the ‘Settembrine’ and ‘Crotin’ Trail - Monteu Roero (CN)

Secret Stories on the ‘Settembrine’ and ‘Crotin’ Trail - Monteu Roero (CN)

28 septembre 2024
Sport et Nature, Visites guidées

Secret Stories on the ‘Settembrine’ and ‘Crotin’ Trail - Monteu Roero (CN)
Monteu Roero

On Saturday 28 September, a guided excursion at the gates of autumn, in the most scenic and legendary places in the Roero, to admire the majestic centuries-old chestnut trees, the suggestive sandy walls of the Rocche and hidden treasures. A true fairytale landscape!

On returning to the village, those who wish can participate in a guided tour of the ‘Crotin’. The crotin of Monteu Roero are a hidden treasure of the Rocche, and can be visited thanks to the tours organised by the Bel Monteu Cultural Association.

Meeting at 9.50 a.m. Departure at 10 a.m. from Piazza Roma, Monteu Roero (Cn) and return in the early afternoon
Approx. 15 km - total height difference 305 m
Contribution to the excursion Euro 15 (excluding tastings if provided and any visits), free of charge for children under 12.
Contribution Euro 2 for the optional but recommended visit to the Crotin and the village with the ‘Beu Monteu’ Cutural Association. 
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