Panorama Monferrato

Panorama Monferrato

6 septembre 2024
Culture, Exposition d’Art, Top Event

Panorama Monferrato
Castagnole Monferrato
Montemagno Monferrato

From September 4-8, 2024, the Panorama Monferrato event will bring the villages of Camagna, Vignale, Montemagno, and Castagnole Monferrato to life with a captivating art trail that winds through vineyards, castles, and Romanesque churches. This is a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in a stunning UNESCO-recognized landscape and discover an artistic heritage that spans from Romanesque to contemporary art.

62 galleries of ITALICS will exhibit modern, contemporary, and Renaissance artworks, including site-specific installations and masterpieces by Italian masters. Inspired by Stefano Guazzo's "La civil conversazione," the exhibition explores the dialogue between the ancient and the contemporary, retracing the cultural influence of Monferrato between the 16th and 17th centuries.

An invitation to rediscover a territory rich in history and beauty, through a slow itinerary that enhances the artistic and landscape treasures of Monferrato. An unmissable experience for lovers of art, culture, and nature.

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