45 metri sopra Alba... aspettando il Natale

45 metri sopra Alba... aspettando il Natale

7. Dezember 2024

45 metri sopra Alba... aspettando il Natale


Piazza Rossetti, Alba (CN) 12051
+39 345 7642123


On Saturday 7 December, the MUDI - Museo Diocesano di Alba is organising a special pre-Christmas afternoon of guided tours of the bell tower of the Cathedral of San Lorenzo.

The Mudi guides will take you up to a height of 45 metres through the double structure of the Romanesque bell tower, giving you the chance to discover the presence of two bell towers dating back to the 10th and 12th centuries. After admiring the ‘city of 100 towers’ from above, enveloped in the Christmas atmosphere, we will descend to the museum to taste hot herbal teas and local products to exchange greetings for a Merry Christmas.

Afterwards, the guided tour will continue along the archaeological path and the lapidary under the Cathedral of San Lorenzo, which will allow you to learn about evidence of the city's Roman and medieval past.

Two rounds of the visit: 3 p.m. and 4.30 p.m.

PARTICIPATION fee guided tour + snack

adults: 10 €; adults with Torino Musei season ticket: 5 €;  concessions from 6 to 14 years old: 6 €; concessions from 6 to 14 years old with Torino Musei season ticket: 3 €;  under 6 years old: free

Reservation compulsory.

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