Culture at open doors in the diocese of Alba

Culture at open doors in the diocese of Alba

September 22, 2024
Culture, Guided tours

Culture at open doors in the diocese of Alba


“Cultura a porte aperte” has reached its tenth edition and will be held on Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd September, on the occasion of the European Cultural Heritage Days.

The "Open Doors Culture" program provides for the extraordinary opening of monasteries, churches, parish churches, sanctuaries and museums that are part of the "Cities and Cathedrals" circuit, a plan for the valorization of places of sacred art organized in geographical itineraries and thematic ones, usable in Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta, created by the CRT Foundation and the dioceses of the area.

In the diocese of Alba, thanks to the solid collaboration developed over the years with the Volunteers for Art, the doors of churches, chapels and brotherhoods in the Alba, Langhe and Roero areas will be open. Since 2011, the Cultural Heritage Office and the Diocesan Museum, together with the Volunteers for Art Association, have organized courses for the training of volunteers who take care of the opening of the "sacred places" during the year.

The complete programme of openings and initiatives in the diocese of Alba can be found at: or

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