Mostra "Mondi (IM)POSSIBILI" - Asti

Mostra "Mondi (IM)POSSIBILI" - Asti

October 4, 2024
Culture, Art Exhibition

Mostra "Mondi (IM)POSSIBILI" - Asti

On Friday 20 September at 6 p.m., Debora Ferro and Gaspare Licandro inaugurate the exhibition ‘Mondi (IM)POSSIBILI’ - L'armonia del mondo da Platone a Netwon. The exhibition, at the refectory of the Bishop's Seminary in Piazza del Seminario 1, will be open to the public from 20 September to 13 October 2024. The exhibition will follow the following times: Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Special closure on Saturday 28 September. Possibility of visiting during the week by appointment for schools. On Sunday 29 September, on the occasion of European Cultural Heritage Days, guided tours and educational workshops starting at 15:00. Further information and poster attached.

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