Agrifiera Polliebuoi Tonco

Agrifiera Polliebuoi Tonco

September 15, 2024
Gastronomy events, Families and Children, Fairs, Flea market, Festival, Sport and Nature, Guided tours

Agrifiera Polliebuoi Tonco

The Agrifiera "Polli e Buoi dei Paesi Tuoi" takes place in Tonco, a town with a high agricultural vocation, on the third Sunday in September. In addition to the exhibition, the event features a market with the display of farm machinery and agricultural and handicraft products, as well as historical re-enactments of moments of rural life, photo exhibitions, shows and, above all, guided tours of farms and the artistic and scenic beauty of the town. And, of course, lots of good food and traditional recipes, to be enjoyed together.

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