Fiabe e Magie a Rocca... - Rocca d'Arazzo (AT)

Fiabe e Magie a Rocca... - Rocca d'Arazzo (AT)

September 15, 2024
Culture, Families and Children, Folklore, Shows

Fiabe e Magie a Rocca... - Rocca d'Arazzo (AT)
Rocca d'Arazzo

The Library of Rocca d'Arazzo and the Teatro del Bosco group invite you on Sunday, September 15th at 4 p.m. to Piazza Marconi, known as Piazza Castello, for a "Passeggiata fantastica..." (Fantastic walk...) through the streets of Rocca, among fairytale heroes, eternal children.

Free admission with voluntary offer.

In case of bad weather, the performance will be held inside the town hall. 

Have fun!

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