Il Baule Volante - S.Stefano Belbo

Il Baule Volante - S.Stefano Belbo

6 mars 2025
Culture, Familles et enfants

Il Baule Volante - S.Stefano Belbo
Santo Stefano Belbo


After the Christmas break, the Thursday afternoon appointments of the Baule Volante (Flying Trunk), the annual review of readings and workshops for children at the Civic Library of Santo Stefano Belbo, is back in the ground floor room from 4.30 to 5.30 p.m.

As in all Baule Volante appointments, reading aloud is accompanied by themed creative activities for an afternoon of fun and imagination. 

Here is the programme:

Thursday 6 February 2025 - Silvana Caligaris reads The Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Andersen

Thursday, 20 February 2025 - Laura Cortese reads Il vestito dei miei sogni by Anna Vivarelli

Thursday 6 March 2025 - Serena Mattogno reads Il libro dei bambini incredibili by Clotilde Perrin

Thursday 20 March 2025 - Rosanna Rodella reads The paper bird by Arcadio Lobato and Emilio Urberuaga

Thursday 3 April 2025 - Silvana Caligaris reads The bunny plays the flute by Gerda Wagener and Marie-José Sacré

Thursday 10 April 2025 - Rosetta Molinaris reads The Easter Chick by Géraldine Elschner

Thursday 8 May 2025 - Rosanna Rodella reads The suspended garden by Ambra Crociani and Giulia Dall'Ara

Thursday 22 May 2025 - Beatrice Bianco reads La casa perfetta by Roberta Antonioni and Benedetta Sala


Free participation (info at 0141 840894 or by email at

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