Campagna Amica a Bra's 2024

Campagna Amica a Bra's 2024

21 septembre 2024
Événements gastronomiques, Événements du vin, Familles et enfants , Marchés

Campagna Amica a Bra's 2024

Guided tastings of wines, beers and local delicacies, workshops for children and a rich farmers' market on the weekend of 21 and 22 September in Bra.

Agrifood excellence at zero km will be at the centre of the proposal of events signed by Coldiretti Campagna Amica within Bra's, the Bra sausage, cheese, bread and rice festival. There will be a variety of guided tastings and workshops for children, which will animate the ‘Courtyard of Excellence’ set up in the courtyard of Palazzo Mathis, in Piazza Caduti per la Libertà.

The children's workshops, which can be attended free of charge, and the tastings, offered at a cost of 5 euro, can be booked, subject to availability, by calling 0171 447280 or 366 5752531, or by emailing

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