Sport in Piazza - Roreto di Cherasco (CN)

Sport in Piazza - Roreto di Cherasco (CN)

September 21, 2024
Families and Children, Sport and Nature

Sport in Piazza - Roreto di Cherasco (CN)

The Municipality of Cherasco, with the contribution of Mercatò, Panealba, Delizie Bakery and Garesio Sport, is once again proposing the Sport in Piazza event for 2024.

The event, which will take place from 2 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 21, in Roreto di Cherasco at the school square, involves local sports associations, inviting children and teens from compulsory schools to try out different sports disciplines.

The square will be dotted with the stands of the various sports clubs in the area that will make the various sports live directly on the field. The event will also feature the accompaniment of the marching band.

The initiative, from 2 to 6 p.m., is free and open to all.

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