....Aspettando il Palio... Cena propiziatoria - Cocconato (AT)

....Aspettando il Palio... Cena propiziatoria - Cocconato (AT)

September 21, 2024
Gastronomy events, Families and Children, Folklore, Shows

....Aspettando il Palio... Cena propiziatoria - Cocconato (AT)

Waiting for the Palio degli Asini... Cocconato organises a Medieval Banquet on Saturday, September 21st. 

Starting at 7 p.m. from Piazza Cavour, the nobles of the boroughs, the Captain of the Palio... Fire-eaters and jesters... will make their way to the courtyard of the Collegio (Town Hall), where the Banquet will be served by ProCocco.

Reservations recommended.

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For info: Tourist Office tel. +39 0141 600076 

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