Sagra dello Gnocco - Dusino San Michele (AT)

Sagra dello Gnocco - Dusino San Michele (AT)

September 28, 2024
Gastronomy events, Families and Children, Music, Festival

Sagra dello Gnocco - Dusino San Michele (AT)
Dusino San Michele

The eagerly awaited "Sagra dello Gnocco" returns to Dusino San Michele (AT) in Via delle Rose (craft/industrial area)... From Friday 27 to Sunday 29 September from 19.30 Gnocchi and... other specialities... for those with a sweet tooth... followed by musical entertainment...

On Sunday September, 29th at 12.30 p.m. there will also be a tasty lunch with reservations required. 


Info (SMS or Whatsapp only): Cristina +39 393 20 79 662 and Marco +39 347 22 08 907


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