GTL - Tappa 04A: Prunetto - Monesiglio

GTL - Tappa 04A: Prunetto - Monesiglio


GTL - Tappa 04A: Prunetto - Monesiglio
A variant of the GTL, this route allows you to reach Monesiglio and from here to head on to the next route on the other crest, to Mombarcaro. 
In Prunetto, the route begins from the entryway known as “La Battagliera” and then head down to the left along the steep Via Castello to cross the oldest hamlet of this municipality. You will soon be back on the main highway, where you will turn to the right and continue on to the main church.

From here, you will head up along the road that rises up from the intersection in front of the church and follow the signs for Pian Ronchetto, Bosco and Piani. Turn left at the first crossroads immediately after the parking lot for a trattoria. Continue up gradually through the farmhouses and then take an ample curve to the left through a number of sections of woodlands and on to the intersection at Piani. Turn right and head up to the last farm. Enter the courtyard, turn right, and climb up to the crest of the hill, where you will find a small, traditional structure known as a ciabòt, where you can enjoy the view of both the Prunetto castle and all of the Uzzone Valley.


The itinerary then takes you into the beech forest near a small parking area. Here, there is a brief, highly recommended deviation to admire a dense grouping of old-growth beech trees that create a particularly evocative atmosphere. This may be the last spot in the Alta Langa where one can admire these magnificent trees. Once very common, they are now relegated to a few isolated areas in the dampest valleys.


Once back on the flat, dirt road, continue to the left along the crest until the intersection atop Bricco della Colma. From the summit of this hill, leave the paved road and turn left, across from the flat road that is a part of the GTL itinerary, then follow the grassy road that runs alongside a vast field. After a section here on this panoramic hilltop, the road enters the woods and heads gradually downward along the crest of the hill. Past a few cultivated fields, you will come to a flat, paved road. Cross this road and continue down along the hillcrest trail, which at times can be a bit uneven.


As you head down through a couple of switchbacks and past a field, you will again come to a paved road. This highly panoramic section of the route heads down along this road alongside a number of farmhouses until you reach a deep ravine. Cross this ravine and continue along the paved road to the left. After some ups and downs you will reach a crossroads, where you will head down to the right. After a steeper section and a couple of switchbacks, you will reach the historical centre of Monesiglio.
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PLEASE NOTE: Responsibility for the maintenance and practicability of the various trails lies with the municipalities where the routes are located. The Tourist Board, therefore, cannot be held responsible for any inefficiencies, but is willingly available to collect your reports so that they can be forwarded to the authorities concerned.

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