GTL - Grande traversata delle Langhe

GTL - Grande traversata delle Langhe


GTL - Grande traversata delle Langhe
The Grande Traversata delle Langhe (GTL) is a tour that encompasses an entire territory, the Langhe.
Forget about wine and vineyards, which have only a marginal presence in this tour. Here, you will find pristine nature, cheeses, hazelnuts, castles, and medieval villages where time seems to have stood still.

Not far from Alba, you will find a whole other world in which to admire one-of-a-kind landscapes and enjoy all the activities that nature provides in this lovely corner of the world, from hiking to off-road cycling.

Because just one itinerary would never be enough, the GTL provides several that take you to virtually every village, allowing you to choose from hilltop routes or specific itineraries from one village to another. All the routes make use of low-traffic streets, dirt roads, woodland trails and the distances are never excessive, although there are a few longer sections that are recommended mainly for experienced trekker.



The Grande Traversata delle Langhe (GTL) itinerary is marked with two-way signs bearing the red-and-white markings typically used for hiking trails, as well as with signposts specifically for cyclists.

Signs may fall down at times, but very often there are also (red and white) markings on trees and rocks pointing you in the right direction, especially in the woods and far from paved roads.

Text by Pietro Giovannini

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GTL - Tappa n.01: Castino-Cortemilia

GTL - Tappa n.01: Castino-Cortemilia

A hillcrest route through a past made of castles, towers and fortresses. Today, the terraced landscape features hazelnut groves that produce one of the sweetest of fruits in these fascinating highlands.

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GLT - Tappa 01A: Castino - Santo Stefano Belbo

GLT - Tappa 01A: Castino - Santo Stefano Belbo

A hillcrest route from Castino, in the heart of the Alta Langa, to Santo Stefano Belbo, the birthplace of Cesare Pavese, who wrote a great deal about these hills. This route is not excessively difficult and features the same landscapes that inspired this great Italian author.

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GTL - Tappa 02: Cortemilia - Bergolo

GTL - Tappa 02: Cortemilia - Bergolo

An uphill section starting in Cortemilia and the surrounding hazelnut groves and finishing in Bergolo, the epitome of a stone village.

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GTL - Tappa 02A : Pezzolo Valle Uzzone - Todocco

GTL - Tappa 02A : Pezzolo Valle Uzzone - Todocco

The leg, a variant of the GTL, is a paved, low-traffic route through one of the Alta Langa’s most characteristic villages and on to a panoramic, religious sanctuary that has long been a much-loved site among locals.

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GTL - Tappa 02B: Cortemilia - Bricco della Croce

GTL - Tappa 02B: Cortemilia - Bricco della Croce

Another variant of the GTL, this route starts in Cortemilia for a fascinating, educational journey through the terraced vineyards and related Ecomuseum, the Ecomuseo dei Terrazzamenti e della Vite, as you climb in the direction of Monte Oliveto.

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GTL -Tappa 03: Bergolo - Prunetto

GTL -Tappa 03: Bergolo - Prunetto

A hillcrest route through the heart of the Alta Langa, rich with castles and stone houses telling age-old tales.

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GTL - Tappa 03A: Bergolo - Pezzolo Valle Uzzone

GTL - Tappa 03A: Bergolo - Pezzolo Valle Uzzone

One of the many GTL variants, this brief route starts in Bergolo and runs through the nearby villages to discover the entire territory as you head down, steeply at times, to Pezzolo Valle Uzzone, a typical village of the Alta Langa.

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GTL - Tappa 03B: Bergolo - Torre Bormida

GTL - Tappa 03B: Bergolo - Torre Bormida

Another GTL variation starting in the “village of stone”, this connecting section takes you to Torre Bormida, where you can connect with Cravanzana and the central sections of the GTL.

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GTL - Tappa 04: Prunetto - Gottasecca

GTL - Tappa 04: Prunetto - Gottasecca

Through the heart of the Uzzone Valley and its beech forests, the last survivor of these highlands, on a journey to discover just how much nature has been protected at these climes.

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GTL - Tappa 04A: Prunetto - Monesiglio

GTL - Tappa 04A: Prunetto - Monesiglio

A variant of the GTL, this route allows you to reach Monesiglio and from here to head on to the next route on the other crest, to Mombarcaro. 

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GTL - Tappa 04B: Monesiglio - Bricco Rocchetto (Mombarcaro)

GTL - Tappa 04B: Monesiglio - Bricco Rocchetto (Mombarcaro)

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GTL - Tappa 05: Gottasecca - Saliceto

GTL - Tappa 05: Gottasecca - Saliceto

Somewhat challenging route along hilltops and up and down steeper sections as you venture near the border with Liguria, the culture of which can be sensed in the villages here.

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GTL - Tappa 05A: Gottasecca - confine ligure

GTL - Tappa 05A: Gottasecca - confine ligure

A variation of the GTL hillcrest route, this brief section takes you down the hillside to the outer edge of the region, where the hills continue out into the region of Liguria.

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GTL - Tappa 06: Saliceto - Mombarcaro

GTL - Tappa 06: Saliceto - Mombarcaro

A lengthy route through the Sorgenti del Belbo Nature Reserve within the Marguareis Park, a humid area and site of the source of the Belbo river, which divides the Langhe from these highlands.

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GTL - Tappa 07: Mombarcaro - Santo Stefano Belbo

GTL - Tappa 07: Mombarcaro - Santo Stefano Belbo

From the Langhe summit to the realm of Beppe Fenoglio, a short, mostly downhill route straight through the heart of the Langhe region described in the works of that great Italian author.

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GTL - Tappa 07A: San Benedetto Belbo / Murazzano

GTL - Tappa 07A: San Benedetto Belbo / Murazzano

A deviation from the standard GTL itinerary that takes you to Murazzano, one of the most characteristic of the Alta Langa villages featuring one-ofa-kind vistas and a goat cheese that has made the village’s name famous around the world.

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GTL - Tappa 08: Murazzano - Bossolasco

GTL - Tappa 08: Murazzano - Bossolasco

Discover local cheeses on the ways between Murazzano and Bossolasco, along the hillcrest route through the Bossola Pass for one of the most picturesque sections of road in the entire Langhe region.

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GTL - Tappa 09: Bossolasco - Serravalle Langhe

GTL - Tappa 09: Bossolasco - Serravalle Langhe

A brief hillcrest section from the village of roses to Serravalle Langhe and which also connects to the Barolo wine region and the Bar to Bar itinerary.

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GTL - Tappa 09A: Serravalle Langhe - Cerretto Langhe

GTL - Tappa 09A: Serravalle Langhe - Cerretto Langhe

A variation of the central hillcrest route of the GTL, this section takes you as far as Albaretto Torre on a circuit that will bring you back to the starting point. This first section of the itinerary stops at Cerretto Langhe.

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GTL - Tappa 09B: Cerretto Langhr - Arguello

GTL - Tappa 09B: Cerretto Langhr - Arguello

The continuation of the previous section, this variation of the GTL keeps on the circuit to the small village of Arguello, which you will not want to miss.

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GTL - Tappa 09c: Arguello Lequio Berria

GTL - Tappa 09c: Arguello Lequio Berria

A further continuation of the previous section, this variation of the GTL will take you to Lequio Berria.

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GTL - Tappa 09D: Lequio Berria - Benevello

GTL - Tappa 09D: Lequio Berria - Benevello

Another section of GTL variation, this route provides connections to both Albaretto, forming a circuit, and Benevello, continuing along one of the main hillcrests. 

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GTL - Tappa 10: Serravalle Langhe - Albaretto della Torre

GTL - Tappa 10: Serravalle Langhe - Albaretto della Torre

Another brief hillcrest section to the village of Albaretto, continuing on the ridge that divides the Langhe wine region from the Alta Langa.

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GTL - Tappa 11: Albaretto della Torre - Benevello

GTL - Tappa 11: Albaretto della Torre - Benevello

A hillcrest section that takes you to Pavaglione. This section features some stunning views and from Albaretto you can also head down in the opposite direction in a wide circle to switch valleys and reach the other crest of the GTL.

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GTL - Tappa 12: Benevello - Pavaglione

GTL - Tappa 12: Benevello - Pavaglione

Through the heart of the Langhe of Beppe Fenoglio to Pavaglione, the setting of one of the Italian author’s best known novels, in a union of nature and literature.

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GTL - Tappa 02A : Pezzolo Valle Uzzone - Todocco

GTL - Tappa 13: Pavaglione - Castino

From Beppe Fenoglio’s Pavaglione to Castino through the most authentic heart of the Alta Langa.

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GTL -  Tappa 13A: Pavaglione - San Donato di Mango

GTL - Tappa 13A: Pavaglione - San Donato di Mango

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GTL - Tappa 14: Castino - Cravanzana

GTL - Tappa 14: Castino - Cravanzana

Brief section through the heart of the Alta Langa immersed in woodlands and hazelnut groves. This is the realm of the hazelnut, a true delicacy of these hills.

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GTL - Tappa 15: Cravanzana - Feisoglio

GTL - Tappa 15: Cravanzana - Feisoglio

A brief, uphill section from the hazelnut groves to the realm of mushrooms and truffles, immersed in the history of these villages and the authenticity of nature.

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GTL - Tappa 15A: Torre Bormida - Cravanzana

GTL - Tappa 15A: Torre Bormida - Cravanzana


A variation of the GTL, this route is an ideal continuation of section Bergolo - Torre Bormida to complete the shift between the Bergolo and Cravanzana hillcrests. It is an uphill route, but not difficult, and runs through many hazelnut groves, which are common up here. Together with the next section, which is downhill, it creates a circuit entirely dedicated to the hazelnut. 

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GTL - Tappa 15B: Bricco del Cucco (Cravanzana) - Torre Bormida

GTL - Tappa 15B: Bricco del Cucco (Cravanzana) - Torre Bormida

Together with the previous section, this additional variation of the GTL completes the “hazelnut loop” through forests and hazelnut groves.

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GTL - Tappa 16: Feisoglio - Niella Belbo

GTL - Tappa 16: Feisoglio - Niella Belbo

This brief route runs from the village of Feisoglio to Niella Belbo and is also a part of the Bar to Bar itinerary, so pay close attention to the signage in order to stay on your chosen itinerary. You may at times feel as though you’re lost, but you’re not! It’s simply that this area is so beautiful that it has been included in two different itineraries..

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GTL - Tappa 16A: Bricco San Michele (Serravalle) - Feisoglio

GTL - Tappa 16A: Bricco San Michele (Serravalle) - Feisoglio

A variation of the GTL, this section takes you down from the crest of Serravalle and back up to the crest of Feisoglio and Cravanzana. It starts at Bricco San Michele along the section that runs from Serravalle to Cerretto Langhe.

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GTL - Tappa 17: Niella Belbo - San Benedetto Belbo

GTL - Tappa 17: Niella Belbo - San Benedetto Belbo

This section, too, which leads to a village that was dear to Beppe Fenoglio’s heart, is a part of the Bar to Bar itinerary, so pay close attention to the signage.

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PLEASE NOTE: Responsibility for the maintenance and practicability of the various trails lies with the municipalities where the routes are located. The Tourist Board, therefore, cannot be held responsible for any inefficiencies, but is willingly available to collect your reports so that they can be forwarded to the authorities concerned.

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